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Institute of Mathematics and Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University will hold the next international workshop on real and complex Hadamard matrices and applications. This is the sixth event that follows
5. (2017) Budapest
4. (2014) Lethbridge
3. (2011) Melbourne
2. (2009) Galway
1. (2007) Seville
Local organising committee (in random order)
- Anna Szymusiak
- Wojciech Bruzda
- Barbara Ciesielska
- Wojciech Słomczyński
- Karol Życzkowski
- Anna Szczepanek
The list of confirmed invited speakers includes:
- Ingemar Bengtsson (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Robert Craigen (Winnipeg, Canada)
- Dane Flannery (Galway, Ireland)
- Shmuel Friedland (Chicago, USA)
- Dardo Goyeneche (Antofagasta, Chile)
- Markus Grassl (Gdańsk, Poland)
- Ilias Kotsireas (Waterloo, Canada)
- Hadi Kharaghani (Lethbridge, Canada)
- Máté Matolcsi (Budapest, Hungary)
- Koiji Momihara (Kumamoto, Japan)
- Akihiro Munemasa (Tōhoku, Japan)
- Padraig Ó Catháin (Worcester, USA)
- Erik Swartz (William & Mary, USA)
- Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie (Tehran, Iran)
- Mihály Weiner (Budapest, Hungary)
- Quing Xiang (Newark, USA)