PICQUE Workshop in Integrated Quantum Photonics


PICQUE Workshop

Registration deadline: 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Submission deadline: 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The school is part of the activities of the Marie Curie Training Network PICQUE (www.picque.eu) devoted to the development of integrated optics as a platform for quantum science and technology. The workshop will be a precious opportunity for researcher within and outside the consortium to present their latest results, and hear about the new ideas in the field. The three-day schedule will see talks from top-level international keynote and invited speakers, as well as contributed talks and posters. Topics will include integrated quantum light sources and detectors, quantum information processing, fabrication of integrated devices, and quantum information processing.
We anticipate the availability for about 25 participants, in addition to the PICQUE fellows. A contribution will be demanded to participants, excepted the PICQUE fellows.

Abstracts (max. 1 page long) will be considered for contributed talks, and should be sent to Giuliana Pensa before October 10th.

Contact for registration and abstract submission: Giuliana Pensa (PICQUE Project Manager) [email protected]