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This School is the successor of the First National Conference and Workshop on Quantum Information and Open Quantum Systems, which was held in 2018 in Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.
The School aims to educate young researchers and graduate students in the field of Quantum Information and Open Quantum System, which are rapidly-evolving fields, by gathering some of the world's leading and prominent academic scientists to share their valuable knowledge, experiences and research results by offering lectures on various aspects of quantum information and open quantum systems. It also provides a platform for participants and educators to present and discuss the most recent developments, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of quantum information and open quantum systems.
Call for Contributions
All authors are kindly encouraged to contribute and help to shape the school and conference through submissions of their research papers. Also, due to the nature of the school, all papers will be presented in poster form. The template of paper could be uploaded from