-M.Sc. degree in physics
-declaration of starting Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Iformatics, University of Gdańsk from 1 of Oct. 2018.
-knowledge of quantum mechanics certified by an appropriate exam mark.
-knowledge of English sufficient to read and create scientific article.
-Interest in quantum information

Description of tasks:

A new UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship is available to work on the topic "Quantum parameter estimation and system identification for quantum technologies".

The Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS invites applicants for a PhD position at the CTP PAS financed by the National Science Center through the Sonata BIS grant „Optimality, universality and controllability in the theory of quantum computing”, project number UMO-2015/18/E/ST1/00200. The principal investigator of the project is prof. Adam Sawicki ( ). The topic of the research project is related to foundations and mathematics of quantum computation.

A well-funded UNSW Scientia Scholarship is available in a theoretical PhD project to study quantum communication via space (satellites). The scholarship is fully funded for 4 years, covers all university tuition fees, carries a paid annual stipend of $40k, and an additional research/travel budget of up to $10k per year (all AU$). This is open to applicants from any nationality.

General Scope:


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