PhD Scholarship in the Engineering of Hybrid Quantum Systems
Physical Sciences/Other Physical Sciences

The positions are within the Quantum Optics and Quantum Simulators Group lead by Dr. Dimitris G. Angelakis in the Centre of Quantum Technologies (CQT) ( The group's research interests span most aspects of theoretical quantum optics and its applications in implementations of quantum computation and quantum simulations.

PhD Contract MINECO-FPI 2013
A fully funded PhD Fellowship-Contract in Quantum Information and Strongly Correlated Systems is available to work under the
supervision of Prof. Miguel A. Martin-Delgado at the Departmento de Fisica Teorica I, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas, Universidad
Complutense (Madrid, Spain). It covers a period of 4 years: 2-year fellowship plus 2-year contract.
The Fellowship-Contract is funded by the Research Grant FIS2012-33152 of Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO)

One Ph.D. postion in theoretical quantum optics in the group of Anders S. Sørensen. For further details see

The physics of quantum information team at the physics department of the Université de Sherbrooke invites applications for up to two postdoctoral positions in the groups of Alexandre Blais and of Bertrand Reulet. In addition to being able to pursue their own research agendas, the successful applicants will be involved in the group’s activities, which includes:

- Blais’ group: Theoretical aspects of superconducting qubits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum optics in solid-state devices, theory of quantum limited amplifiers, ...


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