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We invite you to the next QWebminar. This time we will have a talk by Cem Say about what factorization is, its seeming hardness for classical computers, the magic of quantum, and a description of Shor’s approach.
Date: Wed, April 28, 2021, 15:00 (GMT/UTC),
Moderators: Özlem Salehi (QWorld & QTurkey) and Abuzer Yakaryılmaz (QWorld)
Organizers: Agnieszka Wolska (QWorld) and Abuzer Yakaryılmaz (QWorld)
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From Cem:
“The most famous quantum algorithm is 27 years old already. I wish I could give an overview of Shor’s factorizaton algorithm that is simultaneously easy to understand and able to convey the huge intellectual achievement of this amazing construction. This cannot be done in an hour, but I will do my best anyway. We will look at what factorization is, its seeming hardness for classical computers, the magic of quantum, and a description of Shor’s approach.”
About Cem:
Cem Say is a professor in the Computer Engineering Department of Boğaziçi University, Turkey. After early work on artificial intelligence and natural language processing, his present research focus is on complexity theory and quantum computation. He likes to think about classical and quantum machines that are allowed to use very limited computational resources. In addition to his scientific publications, he has two popular science books on AI and information theory, and a weekly column on popular science in a national newspaper.