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Joint Meeting of the
Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP)
Condensed Matter Section (SKM)
Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK)
The German Physical Society (DPG) is launching a new meeting format dedicated to a research theme identified by its three sections. The first DPG Fall Meeting addresses Quantum Science in its relation to Information Technologies, and provides a forum for cross-disciplinary discourse between condensed matter and AMO physics, information science and quantum technologies, applied and fundamental research. Rapid developments in a priori distinct fields, from artificial intelligence to the first small-scale quantum computation platforms, dedicated efforts in academia as well as in industrial research, and an intensifying public debate on the diverse aspects of these truly revolutionary emerging technologies, necessitates an accentuated and concerted scientific exchange across disciplines. We look forward to bringing together key players from academia to industry, senior and junior researchers, and the interested public, to engage in this endeavour.