Fundamental Quantum Physics and Applications in Space


Monday, March 30, 2020 to Friday, April 3, 2020


Conference room in building A of the Budapest University of Technology
Egry Jozsef street, 20-22 H-1111

The five-day workshop aims to bring together all communities targeted by the COST action QTSpace on Quantum Technologies in Space: atomic clocks, cold atoms, optical quantum technologies, quantum optomechanics, and high-mass matter-wave interferometry. In addition to invited talks on these topics within a space-based setting, opportunities for contributed talks and posters will be created.

In order to address the milestones and deliverables of QTSpace, there will be dedicated sessions on the four working groups of the action: WG1: "Fundamental Science Studies", WG2: "Applications", WG3: "Proof-of-Principle Experiments", WG4: "Implementation".

Organizers: L. Diósi, R. Kaltenbaek, G. Tóth, H. Ulbricht, W. Wörner, A. Xuereb

Local Organzier: Sz. Szilárd

Invited speakes include Markus Arndt, Markus Aspelmeyer, Peter Barker, Ivette Fuentes, Carsten Klempt, James Millen, Guglielmo Tino.

Submissions for contributed talks and posters are accepted until 20 February 2020.
The notification of the acceptance is until the 1st of March.
