Research Staff Member, Quantum IT group, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., Princeton, NJ

NEC Laboratories America has an opening for a Research Staff Member in the Quantum IT group in Princeton, NJ. We invite applications from world-class candidates with an exceptional track record in quantum algorithms and/or quantum circuits and who are recognized as thought-leaders by the international research community. The position addresses practical challenges that arise in the design of efficient quantum circuits but also offers a considerable amount of freedom for finding novel quantum algorithms and for interacting with experimental physicists. Publishing is an integral part of our activities as a means for calibrating the quality of our research.
Job Requirements

* PhD in computer science, electrical engineering, physics or a related discipline.
* Strong publication record in top computer science conferences such as STOC/FOCS/SODA and/or top physics journals such as Science/Nature/PRL.
* Solid knowledge in quantum algorithms, quantum information, and quantum circuits.
* Hands-on experience in software development and implementation of algorithms (using e.g., C/C++, Java, Matlab, or Octave) and excellent problem solving skills.
* Experience in adiabatic quantum computing is a plus.

See for further information about the Quantum IT group. Please have at least two letters of reference sent to [email protected]. Consideration of candidates will start on July 1, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled.