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A joint project of University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin on Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics will be funded by SFI in the Frontiers for the Future programme. Therefore, there will be two PhD positions available starting in September/October 2020:
- in the research group of Andreas Ruschhaupt (UCC, Cork)
- in the research group of John Goold (TCD, Dublin)
Both positions are fully funded for four years with a stipend of 18,500 euro per annum.
Female applicants are particularly welcome to apply.
If you are interested to apply or if you would like additional information please contact A. Ruschhaupt ([email protected]) or J. Goold ([email protected]). The overall goal of this project is to access in a quantitative way the heat dissipation in quantum computing protocols and design protocols to manage it.
The TCD project will focus on thermodynamics of non-equilibrium steady states with a particular emphasis on bulk complex systems which fulfil the eigenstate thermalisation hypothesis. The project contains a blend of advanced statistical mechanics, network theory and quantum dynamics with a significant numerical component.