Theory and Experiment

Alarcos Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

Quantum Research Line:
Quality in Quantum Computing: Definition of design methods and techniques for the development of quality quantum programs. This line is developed in collaboration with Alhmabra Eidos within the team aQUANTUM.

M2i Formación, a leading technical training company that, among many other courses on IT, good practices, digital transformation and cybersecurity, is a pioneer in Europe in teaching quantum programming courses created by aQuantum.

M2i Formación aQuantum courses:
Quantum Programming Foundations
Quantum Programming Principles with Microsoft QDK
Quantum Programming Principles with IBM Q Experience & Others SDKS

aQuantum, a research, development and consulting group in quantum software engineering and programming composed of Alhambra, Grupo Alarcos (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) and Enki-Blue.

UNO, the ultrafast nonlinear optics lab

Our sight, a magnifying lens, a telescope, a camera: we all experience the unique role of light in the discovery of the world around us. Light, not only reveals the world but also shapes it, interacting with matter in many ways: from the warmth of lying in the sun to the creation of particles from the vacuum. optics deals with the physics of light and its interactions with matter.

The center, QUEST – QUantum Entanglement in Science and Technology, is being established in order to advance the application of quantum mechanics to both fundamental and applied science, and has amongst its founding members both theorists and experimentalists who are active in research related to quantum entanglement. Our hope is that the center will provide assistance and a friendly “home” to all scientists who want to participate in advancing the field of quantum entanglement in systems that include atomic, ionic, photonic, solid state and cryogenic media.


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