The Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is a newly-established, top-funding state initiative that aims at becoming a major international hub for Science & Technology ( The Quantum Research Centre (QRC) at TII has recently launched world-class theoretical and experimental research groups on different quantum technologies (
The Quantum Dynamics and Control group at DPhyMS, University of Luxembourg, investigates dynamical properties of open quantum systems and develops protocols for their control. We combine analytical and numerical tools, mainly from quantum optics and stochastic analysis, to characterize processes such as decoherence, entanglement, and excitation transfer. The systems of interests are diverse and range from single toy models to chaotic systems and natural molecular aggregates.
Scalable superconducting qubits (models, theory, and foundation),
Searching for new correspondences between information to physics, i.e. quantum thermodynamics,
Solid-state quantum devices, e.g. topological phase slip, photovoltaic cells, light-harvesting photosynthetic complexes, etc.,
Non-equilibrium quantum field theory,
Quantum Machine Learning,
Quantum field theory and non-equilibrium statistical physics,
Unitary Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit helping create a quantum technology ecosystem that benefits the most people.