quantum computing

Applications from Indian nationals are invited for the following positions (initially for 1 year) under the project “Topology, quantum computation and spintronics with Dirac materials” in the School of Physical Sciences, NISER, Bhubaneswar, India funded by Dept. of Science and Technology, DST-Nanomisssion, Govt. of India.

Our activities in quantum information concentrate on the implementation of simple quantum algorithms and the development of techniques for reducing decoherence and errors. Our experimental setups include magnetic resonance and high-resolution laser systems.

Postdoctoral position (under funding from the Irish Research Council) in quantum random walks and/or quantum game theory
and/or other areas of mutual interest in quantum information science.
Please email [email protected] in the first instance and see
for application procedures.

Date: 28th January 2014
Time: 2pm UTC/GMT
Speaker: Troels Frimodt Rønnow (ETH Zurich)
Title: Quantum annealing on 503 qubits


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