We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc for the quantum information experimental research with trapped-ion systems.
We have two research topics (with supporting grants);
- An efficient ion-photon interface for quantum network
- A full-stack trapped-ion based quantum computing system with up to 5 qubits.
Proven expertise in AMO experiments and/or embedded systems will be valued.
If you're interested, please send me your CV and Statement of Research to [email protected].
Submitted by
ppzas6 on Tue, 08/03/2022 - 08:56.
Applicants are invited to join the condensed matter theory group to explore the use of near-term quantum computers in the study of quantum many-body physics.
Submitted by
shannonw on Wed, 02/03/2022 - 08:43.
The activity concerns the establishment of a new public research and user platform for quantum computing: “aQCess -Atomic quantum computing as a service” which brings together a large number of French and International academic and industrial partners and is supported by the “Plan d’Investissment d’Avenir” of the "Agence National de la Recherche" and the “Programme et Equipements Prioritaire de Recherche Quantique”(PEPR) within the national quantum strategy.
Submitted by
shannonw on Wed, 02/03/2022 - 08:41.
The activity concerns the establishment of a new public research and user platform for quantum computing: “aQCess -Atomic quantum computing as a service” which brings together a large number of French and International academic and industrial partners and is supported by the “Plan d’Investissment d’Avenir” of the "Agence National de la Recherche" and the “Programme et Equipements Prioritaire de Recherche Quantique” (PEPR) within the national quantum strategy.
Submitted by
shannonw on Wed, 02/03/2022 - 08:38.
The activity concerns the establishment of a new public research and user platform for quantum computing: “aQCess -Atomic quantum computing as a service” which brings together a large number of French and International academic and industrial partners and is supported by the “Plan d’Investissment d’Avenir” of the "Agence National de la Recherche" and the “Programme et Equipements Prioritaire de Recherche Quantique” (PEPR) within the French national quantum strategy.