quantum optics

Submission deadline: 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The conference series started in early 1990s in Central Europe and evolved during more than 20 years into one of most popular annual meetings of European scientists interested in quantum optics and quantum information. Organized every year in another location, the conference has travelled across the continent and in 2015 it will come for the first time to Poland.

Quantum technology is a cutting-edge field aimed at harnessing the unique nature of quantum mechanics to perform tasks that are impossible with conventional technologies. The Optics Division at the University of Strathclyde will be a focal point of the EPSRC Quantum Technology Hubs, and has received significant funding from the recent call to expand our multi-disciplinary research in both experimental and theoretical fields. These full-time posts are available from 1st October, initially for two years with the possibility of extension to up to five years.

General description: The main goal of the project is to model and investigate theoretically the potential of spin-photon interfaces for quantum information processing. Such devices consist of single spins coupled to light propagating in waveguides, or photonic circuits : in these so-called "one dimensional atoms", light matter interaction is so strong that the spin state leaves a macroscopic imprint on single photons having interacted with it.

One Ph.D. position is available in the theoretical quantum optics group at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. The research of the group focuses on the implementation of quantum information processing in a wide range of systems, ranging from quantum optical systems such as atoms and photons to solid state systems. The research especially focuses on coherent interfaces between light and matter. In addition we have a smaller program on ultra cold atoms.

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bienal Latinoamericana de Óptica Cuántica
Bienal Latino Americana de Óptica Quântica
La Plata, 22, 23, y 24 de Octubre 2014

Seminarios y Murales de Óptica e Información Cuántica hechos en latinoamérica.
Seminários e Posters de trabalhos em Óptica e Informação Quântica realizados na América Latina
Presentados por estudiantes de doctorado, pos-doctorado o jovenes investigadores.
Apresentados por estudantes de doutorado, pos-docs, ou


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