
The Division of Natural Sciences, School of Physics & Astronomy is seeking to appoint a dedicated academic who is keen to make a strong contribution to research, innovation and teaching within the School. The successful candidate will contribute to and support research in the Physics of Quantum Materials Group (PQM). We particularly welcome applicants with a track record of research in Quantum Technologies that complements the current activities of the group (for instance, at the interface between Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Technologies).

The newly established Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany has several tenured and tenure-track openings. The positions are part of a concerted effort to strengthen the existing faculty and to foster collaborations with the recently established Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP). We invite outstanding applicants from all areas of computer science.

Join QuTech and be part of the quantum revolution!

At QuTech we are looking for a Principal Investigator to join our team.

The position is in experimental physics with a focus on the area of quantum optics for future applications in quantum communication and quantum networking.

The Quantum Information Group at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in quantum information or quantum computing.
Depending on the qualification, the title of research assistant professor can be given.

The starting date is as soon as possible from 15th October 2022. The contract is renewable every year and by the end of March 2025.

The Department of Mathematics at the University of York is seeking a new lecturer (roughly equivalent to assistant professor) in Industry-Facing Applied Mathematics. Quantum Information is in the scope of the position. The full details can be found here: .


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