Steigen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), um mit Forschung und Innovation die Zukunft mitzugestalten! Mit dem Know-how und der Neugier unserer 11.000 Mitarbeitenden aus 100 Nationen sowie unserer einzigartigen Infrastruktur bieten wir ein spannendes und inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir nachhaltige Technologien und tragen so zur Lösung globaler Herausforderungen bei. Möchten Sie diese große Zukunftsaufgabe mit uns zusammen angehen? Dann ist Ihr Platz bei uns!
Submitted by
nquesada on Sat, 27/04/2024 - 19:03.
As part of the QuantaMole consortium, we are interested in studying novel materials with extremely high nonlinearities, as well as their application as potential mediators of interactions between photons. A significant no-go result in this field is that “Single-photon Kerr nonlinearities do not help quantum computation”. We are interested in going beyond this result and study other geometries, configurations and topologies in which new materials can provide the sought-after interactions. This might include resonating geometries, utilizing χ(2) nonlinearities instead of χ(3), and new states of light in which to apply these nonlinear operations with more success.
Submitted by
lginer on Fri, 26/04/2024 - 15:08.
The Quantum Phonics group, located at the Université de Moncton and led by Dr Lambert Giner, is inviting applications for a graduate student (MSc) to join the project “Characterizing quantum states via non-invasive measurements”.
• Essential requirements:
Submitted by
jmarino on Fri, 26/04/2024 - 09:03.
We invite applications for a (funded) doctoral position in the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the ‘Johannes Gutenberg’ University (JGU) of Mainz to work under the supervision of Prof. J. Marino in the NEUQUAM team (
The University of Exeter (Exeter, South West England) is offering up to 9 fully funded doctoral studentships for September 2024 entry as part of our Doctoral Training Partnership with the EPSRC (Engineering, Physical Sciences Reserach Council).
One such project is "Energy storage at the nanoscale in quantum batteries", a theoretical project in quantum technologies in the group of Dr. Charles Downing ar Exeter. We welcome people interested in open quantum systems and quantum optics to apply.