Are you interested in theoretical physics and quantum technologies? Are you looking for a PhD opportunity? Are you driven to push the boundaries of knowledge? If so, we invite you to join the dynamic team of Dr. Ondřej Černotík at Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia.

We invite applications for an FPI-PhD position within the ECO-Q project, granted in the call for “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023” of the Spanish Minis-try of Science, Innovation & Universities.
This is an exceptional opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in experi-mental quantum photonics, working with leading experts and utilizing state-of-the-art facilities.

We are seeking a motivated PhD student to join an exciting project focused on bridging the gap between rigorous security proofs and their practical applications in real-world scenarios. This position is part of the NSPT-QKD consortium, funded by FFG, and offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with industry partners while working at TU Wien.

Job Information:
Atominstitut TU Wien
Research Field
Physics » Neutron physics
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
PhD Positions

Application Deadline:

TU WIEN is the largest institution for higher education and research focused on science and technology in Austria and has 5.650 employees and 26.100 students. The neutron group at the Atominstitut in Vienna operates the qBounce experiment at the ILL Grenoble, the strongest neutron source in the world where 1400 scientists from 65 countries run 1000 experiments every year. At the Atominstitut the Research Unit of Neutron- and Quantum Physics TU Wien is offering a position as A Postdoc with 30 hours/week. Possible start: September 2024.


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