We are looking for a PhD/postdoctoral researcher for the Quantum Computing research group of Mariami Gachechiladze at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. The position starts on 01.08.2024 and is in the scope of the QuantERA II Programme, which has received funding from the EU’s H2020 research and innovation program under GA No 101017733.

The Theory of Quantum Materials and Solid-State Quantum technologies group at the Materials Science Institute Madrid (ICMM) is seeking well-qualified, highly motivated, and dynamic young scientists at PhD level in theory and simulation of spin qubits and hybrid semiconductor-superconductor systems .

For the newly established research group on quantum cryptography led by Ramona Wolf at the University of Siegen (Germany), we are looking for a motivated PhD student. Possible research topics include:

  • Security proof techniques for quantum key distribution, in particular those related to quantum steering
  • Quantum random number generation
  • Entropic uncertainty relations and their use in QKD
  • Quantum foundations

Applicants are expected to have

Graduate and postdoctoral researcher opportunities available at Université de Sherbrooke, for the following two projects:

1. Tensor network methods for quantum error correction, in partnership with NVIDIA
2. Quantum artificial intelligence with neutral atoms, in partnership with PASQAL

There are at least 4 fully funded scholarships for graduate researchers and at least 2 postdoctoral researcher positions with competitive pay.

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